why is my sublimation print faded after washing

Why is My Sublimation Print Faded After Washing? Unveiling the Mystery!

“Why is my sublimation print faded after washing?” is a common question among the general public and even professionals in the print industry. As the reputation of sublimation printing on fabrics like polyester continues to rise, so do concerns about its durability post-wash. Delving into the intricacies of fabric choice, washing techniques, and ink quality, our detailed guide offers insights into preserving the vibrancy of your sublimated garments, clearing all your doubts about washing sublimation prints. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned pro, our exploration promises clarity on making your prints last longer, ensuring they remain as vivid as the day they were brought home. Dive in to understand and counteract the fading challenges.

Why does My Sublimation Fade After Washing?

The main reasons your sublimation fades after washing might be because of using hot water, aggressive detergents, and robust wash cycles, which are harsh on the ink and fabric.

Understanding why sublimation fades can help you prolong the vibrancy and life of your sublimated apparel. Here are the key factors contributing to the fading:

  1. Water Temperature: Sublimation ink, when exposed to hot water, can become unstable. This leads to the fading of colours. Opting for cold or lukewarm water for washing sublimated garments would eradicate this problem.
  2. Detergent Choice: Not all detergents are sublimation-friendly. Harsh chemicals or bleach-containing detergents can strip the ink off your fabric or make it appear faded. Always choose mild or eco-friendly detergents that are gentler on prints.
  3. Washing Method: Aggressive washing cycles can be abrasive on sublimated prints, causing them to fade faster. A gentler wash cycle or even hand washing is preferable in safeguarding your shirts.
  4. Sun Drying: Exposing the apparel to direct sunlight for extended periods when drying can cause fading due to the UV rays, which degrade the ink. Avoid drying your sublimation shirts directly under the sun; instead, pick a place with gentle sunlight and good air ventilation.
  5. Fabric Conditioners: Some fabric softeners or conditioners can affect the sublimation print. The chemicals present might not be compatible with the ink, leading to fading. It’s best to go for a basic and mild wash routine rather than complicating the procedure.
  6. Previous Sun Exposure: Even before washing, if your apparel has been exposed to prolonged sunlight, it can already have some level of fading. This can be exacerbated by subsequent washing.
  7. Poor Quality Ink: Not all sublimation inks are of the same quality. Lower-quality inks might not adhere as well to the fabric, making them more susceptible to fading after washing. You should be concerned when buying a sublimation shirt with low-quality print if you are planning for long-term use. 
  8. Fabric Type: The kind of fabric used can also influence how well the ink holds. Some fabrics retain sublimation ink better than others.

In essence, sublimation is a process of art and science combined. While the technique allows for vibrant, full-colour prints, its beauty can be short-lived if not cared for properly.

Just as you would handle a delicate piece of art with care, sublimated garments, too, require a touch of caution. From the choice of detergent to the method of drying, every step you choose in the care process plays a role in the longevity of the print.

By understanding the factors that cause fading, you can adopt measures to counteract them, ensuring that the brilliant designs of sublimated shirts remain vivid wash after wash.

How to Keep Sublimation Print from Fading After Washing

How to Keep Sublimation Print from Fading After Washing?

The ideal way to keep sublimation print from fading after washing is to adopt gentle washing techniques, utilize mild detergents and minimize exposure to harmful UV rays during drying.

For maintaining the vibrant allure of your sublimation print, here’s a comprehensive guide:

  1. Cold Wash: Always use cold or lukewarm water. High temperatures can destabilize the sublimation ink, leading to fading.
  2. Gentle Detergents: Opt for eco-friendly or sublimation-friendly detergents. Avoid those with bleach or harsh chemicals that strip off or fade the ink.
  3. Wash Inside-Out: Turning the garment inside out can minimize direct friction on the printed surface, thus protecting the design. Experts follow this simple step to preserve their fabrics, and you should, too.
  4. Avoid Fabric Softeners: Some conditioners or softeners can negatively interact with the sublimation ink. Sublimation fabrics don’t necessarily need fabric softeners to protect their material. It’s safer to skip them.
  5. Hand Wash When Possible: Though not always feasible, hand washing is the gentlest and most preferred method for washing sublimation threads. Even when using a machine, choose a delicate cycle.
  6. Limit Sun Drying: If you must sun dry, avoid extended exposure. UV rays from the sun can degrade the ink. Instead, air dry in a shaded area or use a tumble dryer on a low setting.
  7. Store Properly: Store your shirt in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight, which might fade the garment even before you start washing.

Preserving the vibrancy of sublimated prints is not overly complex but requires mindfulness. We are no strangers to lousy washing techniques followed by some people.

What we want is to help you make the right choices regarding sublimated items. By adhering to the above practices, not only do you ensure the longevity of your print, but you also maintain the overall quality of the garment.

Much like any valued possession, a bit of care goes a long way in ensuring your sublimated apparel remains as stunning as the day you got it.

How to Make Sublimation Last Longer?

 The best strategy to make sublimation last longer is to employ meticulous pre-printing practices, choose high-quality materials, and sticking to optimal aftercare routines.

Ensuring the longevity of your sublimation involves multiple stages:

  1. Pre-printing Preparation: Ensure the substrate is clean and free of contaminants. This ensures optimal ink adherence. A clean material will absorb the ink effectively, which leads to better end products.
  2. High-Quality Inks and Papers: Invest in premium sublimation inks and transfer papers. Quality products enhance vibrancy and durability. Top quality inks have greater durability to sunlight and harsh chemicals, making them stand out in unfavorable weather.
  3. Optimal Heat and Pressure: When pressing, use the recommended heat settings and apply even pressure. This ensures proper ink transfer to the substrate material.
  4. Aftercare: As previously mentioned, gentle washing and avoiding excessive sun exposure can significantly prolong the life of sublimated items.
  5. Storage: Store sublimated items in cool, dry areas away from direct sunlight, regardless of the quality of the fabric or its ink.

By being diligent in each phase, starting from pre-printing to ending at aftercare, you can ensure that your sublimation designs remain vibrant and impressive for an extended period. Proper care and attention to detail are crucial in maximizing the lifespan of sublimated products.

How Long to Wait Before Washing a Sublimation Shirt


How Long to Wait Before Washing a Sublimation Shirt?

The recommended duration to wait before washing a sublimation shirt is typically 24 to 48 hours after the printing process. This allows the ink to be fully set into the fabric, ensuring the design’s longevity and vibrancy.

Washing too soon can result in fading or even smudging of the design. To maintain the shirt’s quality, you are advised to always turn it inside out during the first wash, use cold water, and avoid harsh detergents.

Proper care from the onset ensures the sublimation print remains colourful and durable over time.

Will Sublimation Wash Out of Cotton?

Sublimation typically doesn’t work well on cotton, and any attempted print will likely wash out or fade significantly. Many printing companies totally avoid sublimation on cotton for this exact reason.

This is because sublimation requires a polyester-based fabric to bond with the ink at a molecular level during the heat-pressing process.

Cotton fibers do not possess the necessary properties to retain the sublimated ink effectively. Thus, while some ink might initially transfer to the cotton, it won’t hold up to washing and will fade much faster than on polyester or poly-blend fabrics. For optimal results with sublimation, it’s best to use materials with a high polyester content.

Will Sublimation Fade On 100% Polyester?

Sublimation on 100% polyester is less likely to fade compared to other fabrics. Again, for the same reason we mentioned above.

The sublimation process binds the ink at a molecular level with polyester fibers during the heat transfer. As a result, the vibrant and sharp prints achieved on 100% polyester are long-lasting and resilient to multiple washes.

However, like any garment, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight or improper washing techniques can still cause some degree of fading over time.

To maintain the print’s quality, it’s advisable to wash in cold water, avoid harsh detergents, and minimize sun exposure.

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Video Credits – QT Couple Vlogs

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